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Wirecrafters is a manufacturer of high-quality wire mesh partitions, wire cages, and storage enclosures. They have been in business for over 50 years, and their products have become a standard in the industry for their quality and durability. Wirecrafters provides a wide range of products that are designed to meet the diverse needs of their customers.

Wire Mesh Partitions

Wirecrafters wire mesh partitions are an excellent solution for creating secure, customizable spaces within commercial and industrial facilities. Wire mesh partitions offer several benefits, including enhanced security, improved visibility, and flexibility in design. Wirecrafters’ wire mesh partitions are available in various sizes, heights, colors, and configurations to meet the specific needs of customers.

Wire mesh partitions are ideal for use in areas where visibility is essential, such as within warehouses or manufacturing facilities. They also provide a secure barrier to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive areas or expensive equipment. Wirecrafters’ wire mesh partitions are highly durable, resistant to tampering and damage, and require minimal maintenance.

Wire Partitions and Cages

Wirecrafters’ wire partitions and cages provide secure, durable storage solutions for businesses and industries. Wire partitions and cages are used to create enclosed areas to store items, secure equipment, or create workspaces within facilities.

Wire partitions and cages are designed to provide improved visibility, airflow and to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive or expensive items. Wirecrafters’ wire partitions and cages are available in various sizes, heights, and configurations to meet the specific needs of customers. These partitions and cages are highly customizable, and customers can choose from a range of locking mechanisms, access points, and finishes to meet their needs.

Storage Lockers

Wirecrafters’ storage lockers provide a convenient and secure solution for storing personal items, equipment, and items in high-traffic areas. These lockers are ideal for use in schools, gyms, and public areas. Storage lockers are available in a range of sizes and configurations, with openings for locks and additional security features.

WireCrafters also provides custom lockers designed to meet the unique requirements of customers. Custom lockers can be designed to match the layout and design of the facility, and can also include additional features such as power outlets or charging ports.

TA-50 Military Lockers

Wirecrafters’ TA-50 Military lockers are designed to provide secure and convenient storage for military equipment and gear. These lockers are available in various configurations, and designed to store a variety of military items, including weapons, uniforms, and accessories.

Wirecrafters’ military lockers are designed to withstand harsh environments and offer enhanced security features to protect sensitive items. These lockers are highly customizable, and customers can choose from various locking mechanisms, ventilation options, and finishes to meet their needs.

Machine Guarding

Wirecrafters provides a range of machine guarding solutions designed to meet safety requirements for machine operators. The machine guarding solutions include wire mesh panels, barrier rails, and safety gates that prevent access to dangerous areas.

Machine guarding solutions from Wirecrafters provide enhanced safety for operators, and also prevent damage to machines from external sources. These solutions are customizable and available in various sizes and configurations, making them suitable for a wide range of industries.


Wirecrafters is a leading manufacturer of high-quality wire mesh partitions, wire cages, storage lockers, and machine guarding solutions. Their products are highly durable, customizable, and designed to meet the unique needs of their customers. Wirecrafters’ products have become a standard in the industry for their quality and reliability, and their solutions have been adopted widely by a wide range of businesses, industries, and military organizations.

By implementing Wirecrafters’ products, businesses can improve their security, enhance safety measures, and improve their operational efficiency. Wirecrafters’ wire mesh partitions and cages offer enhanced visibility and security, while their storage lockers provide a secure solution for personal items and equipment storage. Machine guarding solutions ensure the safety of operators and prevent damage to machines, while military lockers provide a secure and convenient solution for storing military gear and equipment.

Overall, Wirecrafters’ broad range of solutions and their ability to customize products to meet the specific needs of customers has made them a trusted name in the industry for over 50 years. Their commitment to providing high-quality, reliable products ensures that they will continue to be a leader in the industry for many years to come.